>>> Warmly welcome to the FFT

Being one of the earliest established faculties at HCMUTE (1962), the FFT is an academic unit where offers 5 majors at undergraduate level with 29 staffs and  about 1,000 current students. The FFT's core values "Profession, Passion and Creation" are to guide our students to be critical thinkers, creative problem-solvers and strong communicators, to provide students with personal attention and to prepare them for success. The FFT provides opportunities for students to explore their abilities through contributions by outstanding faculty members. Thanks to connections to almost enterprises in textile and cuisine fields in South Vietnam, our training programs entirely meet the social needs. We truly is a vibrant, stimulating, creative, and supportive community of teaching and learning, researching and servicing activities. I hope you enjoy learning about the FFT.

Dean, Tuan-Anh Nguyen, PhD

  • Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions via the following addresses:
    Mail address: 
    Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
    Faculty of Garment Technology and Fashion
    No 1., Vo Van Ngan St., Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
      (+84) - 838 - 966 - 840 

    Email address (web admin):
    Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh: nta@hcmute.edu.vn
    Ms. Le My Hanh:

Copyright © 2013, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education

                              Faculty of Fashion and Tourism
Address: No 1., Vo Van Ngan St., Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
 (+84) - 838 - 966 - 840 
E-mail: fft@hcmute.edu.vn
 Web Counter